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Consent for Orthodontic Treatment

Orthodontic Treatment Consent Terms

For most patients undergoing orthodontic treatment, significant improvements can be achieved. While the benefits of a pleasing smile and healthy teeth are widely appreciated, orthodontic treatment remains an elective procedure and, before making a decision to undergo treatment, the risks and limitations should be considered.

I consent to myself/my child having orthodontic treatment with Dundrum Orthodontics. The treatment plan and the aims and limitations of treatment have been explained to me. I have seen and understood the risk and benefits presentation. I was given the opportunity to ask questions to my treating clinician about the treatment plan and I understand the possible risks/complications of orthodontic treatment, including:

Discomfort: The mouth is very sensitive, so you should expect some discomfort once you start your treatment. Discomfort can affect the teeth, gums, cheeks and TMJ (Jaw Joints and Muscles). This is usually temporary and non-prescription pain medication can help during this adjustment period.

Decalcification (Permanent tooth scaring) & Decay (Holes in teeth): An excessive intake or frequency of sugary foods and drinks as well as the failure to keep teeth, gums and braces clean can result in gum disease, tooth decay (cavities) and decalcification (brown and white scars on teeth which can be permanent). These problems can occur with or without braces but the risk is greater during Orthodontic treatment. It is important to that you attend your family dentist regularly through treatment.

Gum Recession (Shrinking of gums): The gum shape and position around teeth is dependent upon the amount of bone supporting them. Straightening of crowded teeth may result in a reduction of the supporting bone and gum and this may require periodontal (gum specialist) intervention.

Root Resorption (Shortening of roots): When braces move teeth the roots are likely to get minimally shorter. This is usually of no consequence; however, 1-2% of patients experience severe root resorption. Currently, it is not possible to predict how short the roots can get or who is more likely to experience this. Although we cannot reverse root damage, interventions may include delaying or stopping treatment completely. Each case is assessed individually. Gum disease in teeth with severe root resorption has a reduced lifespan.

Loss of Tooth Blood Supply: Teeth that have been traumatised in the past or have a large filling may have experienced damage to their blood supply. This may result in the tooth dying over a long period (with or without orthodontic treatment). This may require further intervention and may cause a delay in orthodontic treatment.

Relapse (Change in tooth position after treatment): Completed orthodontic treatment does not guarantee perfectly straight teeth for the rest of your life. Teeth tend to shift or settle after treatment. Retainers are intended to stabilise teeth in their new position after treatment ceased and later they can prevent any age-related changes which occur throughout life. There is never a safe time to stop regularly wearing your retainers if you want to prevent relapse.

Changes during treatment: Facial bone growth continues throughout life. The amount and direction of this growth is unpredictable and it may compromise treatment outcomes. As a result of unfavourable growth or an unfavourable response to treatment, a change in the original treatment plan may be recommended and this can include extractions/surgery. If appointments are frequently missed, the treatment time may be extended and additional charges may be incurred.

Ankylosis (Tooth fused to bone): Ankylosis can prevent the tooth from moving with braces and this may require a modification to the treatment plan including the extraction of the ankylosed tooth.

Residual Overjet (Upper teeth protrude further out than bottom teeth): Teeth with a residual overjet may be at an increased risk to trauma and aesthetics may be compromised.

Book your consultation at Dundrum Orthodontics today and start your journey to a new smile.

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